The MoMA Effect

My name is Erik Hann, I’m 22 years old and live with my parents in Ontario, Canada. I am the only one out of all my friends that decided to work for my parent’s coffee shop instead of getting an education or degree. I’ve never connected with anything, I hated High School so why even try with college? My family decided to plan a trip to New York for summer vacation and so far, it has been two days and all I do is sit in our hotel room and order room service. My sister Kate loves photography and has not stopped talking about this museum called MoMA, we are all supposed to go around 10 am tomorrow to spend the day there and I am starting to regret coming here. It is 8 am and Kate is shaking me to wake up and get ready, back home the earliest I get up is 12 pm but I know how important this is for her, so I finally gave in. We made it to MoMA at 10:30 am on the dot and I made sure to bring headphones so I wouldn’t get bored. As soon as we enter the 4th floor I am amazed, I have always had a slight interest in sculptures but never pursued it or tried it out myself but the ones I saw that day brought out something in me. When my parents first rented out space for our coffee shop I was the one in charge of putting together all of the machinery and when something breaks down I always catch myself smiling because I know I will get to assemble a new one. I removed my headphones and carefully studied every sculpture I came upon, some were made out of recycled cans, some out of steal, it was clear a connection was made. As soon as we left the museum I opened Google Maps and looked for an art supply store and began my journey as a sculptor.
By: Jennifer Serrano

The MoMA Experience 

The Museum of Modern Art is filled with classics of the past and the near future. As I entered the museum I was approached with positive energies from the staff who asked if I could check in my bag so my I would be hands-free while looking at the exhibits. On the third floor, there was a separate room dedicated to Charles White and his masterpieces. This is was my absolute favorite because he had created images that had multiple stories behind them. Once you looked at the artwork, you knew what exactly was being portrayed, there was also a brief summary that explained the moral of the creations. There was a blank canvas filled with a detailed description of Charles White's vision of creating images based on World War II. His artwork was based upon the legacy of violence and oppression that citizens faced during that specific period of time. I deeply admire Charles White’s courage and dedication to creating art that has a true meaning and also reflects past issues. The whole gallery was filled with stories from back then and it truly made me think about the difference between issues back then and the issues in the present. His artworks made me realize the struggles and hardships that people had to go through just to support their families and also to survive. I definitely recommend visiting the Museum of Modern Art because you can learn about so much history in such little time.
By: Natalie Misetic

MoMA's History

As I visited the MoMA Museum. We viewed Moma as a beautiful museum showing paintings of different traditional modern art. The museum was made to be dedicated to helping people understand and enjoy the visual arts of our time and that it provided you with the greatest museum of modern art. This activity showed me different parts of art and how strong and how soft they made the body with different linings and others forced arts. The structure was based on different visuals arts which were fascinating but my career has everything to do with fashion not a little bit of art. It was amazing to see how people feel about others in a painting and how the would symbolize you. The museum gave me a rich vibe with them taking bags and coats and I love rich but honestly, it was necessary. If I was into modern arts I would love for all my styles to be drawn into a beautiful mixed piece. What I found most interesting about this activity would be, Momas library holds over 320,000 books and individual files over 90,000 artists. The museum has pieces of active modern and contemporary art exhibitions that are mind peacing. Ongoing programs for video makers which are cool. As soon as you walk in Moma you get a certain vibe that its luxury and fancy. The events that are held there are good for networking as well as for us visiting Moma we didn’t network we mostly observe and got information through art. Also what I found interesting was Moma Muesuem Charles White wrote about the light of slaves of Africans American creating art showing emphasizes in the art by the texture that there strong in the muscles.
By: Coreione Alexander

What is MoMA?

The MoMa is an art museum that ignites minds, fuels creativity and provides inspiration. It is located in the midst of New York City. MoMa has several exhibitions and events. One of the exhibitions that are currently ongoing is The Long Run. It provides an alternate view: by chronicling the continued experimentation of artists long after their breakthrough moments. The Long Run includes Lee Bontecou, Louise Bourgeois, Melvin Edwards, Gego and the list goes on. Another ongoing exhibition is If Everything Sculpture Why Make Sculpture? Artists choice by Peter Fischli. The MoMa is beautiful and has exquisite art.
By: Mukullu Ndetto


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