THE TWO PORCELAIN STATUES

The Stephen A. Schwarzman Building of the New York Public Library located at 5th Avenue and 42 Street, was dedicated on May 23, 1911 for its magnificent variety of novels, articles, newspapers etc. Outside of the library there are two porcelain statues of lions both, named Patience (south of the main steps) and Fortitude (east of main steps).
These two creations had been created by architecture Paul Goldberger, a graduate from Yale University with a major in art and architecture and soon enough got a chance to work for the New York Times. These masterpieces were funded by hospital founder, James Lenox. During the Great Depression, jobs had been taken away and people just felt loss and useless. At first the people of New York City neglected the statues because of them looking “too stern and hairy”, but opinions had shifted after a while. Both statues had given the people a sense of hope by allowing them to search for jobs and get themselves back on their feet. Patience and Fortitude, both majestic and fearless cats in the animal kingdom, symbolize the work ethic demonstrated in New York City.

                                                 By: Natalie Misetic

                                    THE SCHWARZMAN LIBRARY

The infamous Schwarzman Library is located right in the heart of Manhattan, New York and is crowded with many locals and tourist either studying, reading or admiring the historic building. I have walked past this library numerous amount of times ever since I lived in New York City, however I never really explored or even cared to step foot inside. My very first opinions about the library is that it is a huge place and I wondered why would anyone even be interested in doing school work or any other work affiliated assignments they had to do inside the library when there are a lot of distractions with the tourists coming in. As I explored the interior of the library, I was right about my first opinions. There are more tourists taking pictures and being a distraction to the people who are working. Besides the point, as I walked around the main entrance of the Schwarzman Library, I was amazed at the architectural design and concept of the place.
It feel as though I stepped foot inside Hogwarts and being lost in a magical place. To think so, it was a magical place. There were multiple rooms and division of rooms that contain very important information in books about the past. With each room I entered, I was more so interested in the impeccable work and details they have created within the architecture. There were little as so much details within the ceiling, hand rails and even the steps. All I could think about reaching the third floor of the building is the scene from the classic movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's and pictured an icon like Audrey Hepburn filmed at this location.
My overall opinion about the Schwarzman Library is that it is truly a work of art, architectural wise, but a very difficult place to focus on your readings and work.


By: Peace Kong

                                              THE CULTURE

When you think of a library you don’t think of pop culture and movies, when most people think of a library they think about being quiet and books. The Schwarzman Library is the perfect setting for movies and TV shows because of the beautiful architecture of the library. Some of the most famous movies featured the library so many people know about the New York public library even if they don’t live in New York. One of the most classic movies, Breakfast at Tiffany's made in 1961 features the library in one of the most iconic scenes, where Paul tells Holly he loves her.
The library is still featured in today's movies and TV shows not just the classics, some more recent ones are Law and Order, Sex and The City, Gossip Girl and Spiderman. Many people recognize the big white building filled with thousands of books because it is one of the most popular film places in New York City. Besides being featured in many movies and TV shows the library also has a big impact on art. Within the library there are multiple art pieces that identify with today's culture. A wide variety of art is featured in the library from monographs, paintings and auction catalogs. The Schwarzman library has a big effect on today's pop culture from movies, TV shows, art and even advertising. Many photographers use the big white building as perfect scenery for a photoshoot with models draped in beautiful clothes for clothing companies. The lions in front of the library, Fortitude and Patience are also famous not only for being in pictures and movies but just the background behind the names of the lions. Many people wouldn’t expect a boring big building filled with books to have such a big impact on today’s pop culture, but if you ask anyone they would know what the Schwarzman Library is even though it’s mostly known as the New York Public library to many people.

                                                 By: Sierra Joyce


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