Grand Centrals Wonders

Grand Centrals Wonders

Grand Central,What comes to mind? 
The plastered night sky, The zodiac symbols, The way the stars form
How far your head has to incline just to take in the art. 

 Look at the constellations on the celestial atlas. 
 What do you see? 
 Orion the hunter facing off a bull
The way Rigel is drawn on Orion's right ankle
 Pegasus soaring through the clouds
The look of fury in Taurus’ face.

 What about the color? 
 The way the turquoise that represents the view over Greece and Southern Italy. 
 How the equator, ecliptic, and the milky way are all established in this piece of art. 
 Months and Months had been taken just to find the right shade of celestial blue.
 Just for the astronomical aspects to be clearly identified as your paced back and forth. 

 For one hundred and forty seven years… 
This masterpiece has gone through failures and successes 
 Developing the perfect astronomical and historical piece 
 Representing the past, present, and the soon future.

By: Natalie Misetic


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