Everyone has there own experience when first walking into Grand Central. It's one of the few historical sites that really catch you off guard, or at least was intimidating for me, from the thousands of tourist trying to take a picture of the architecture or the locals trying to catch the next train. It is truthfully overwhelming. I remember first stepping foot into Grand Central, I was actually with two of my great friends and the first thing that caught my eye was the Main Clock in the middle of the room and remember thinking to myself how I never seen something special like this in my life, it really makes a statement. I next look up and begin to observe the ceiling of constellations. This painting was unique and after a while you realize you kind of want to keep staring at it. You look beside you and right there are beautiful chandeliers and how the light compliments the crystals. Shines so bright that it really sets the tone in the room. I'm not that familiar with Grand Central but after leaving the Main Hall I do remember walking down these wide halls and this part of Grand Central stuck out the most to me. One really gets an idea of the uniqueness and history of Grand Central and not many places can do that to someone. It is easily noticeable that this historical site has been around for a long time. It has been through different eras, from a time where you can smoke cigarettes inside and taking the train probably didn't even cost you a dollar, to now where it's prohibited and it is a little more pricey for a one way back home. Grand Central has experienced many generations, even ours and it's still useful to this day and that's unmatched. After taking the time to appreciate Grand Central you genuinely understand why so many people around the world take the time to visit. Very difficult to put into words but there is something that sticks with you after you leave, even if you cross there just to get home or you're there to take a picture and leave. There is no place like Grand Central.
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